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Janis Phelps, PhD

Janis Phelps, PhD, leads The Center for Psychedelic Therapy & Research. Dr. Phelps received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Connecticut. She has been a professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) for the past 21 years. She is the former dean of the School of Consciousness and Transformation at CIIS. She is now the Director of the CIIS Center for Psychedelic Therapies and Research. As the Center's founder, she developed the first academically accredited, professional certificate training program for legal psychedelic-assisted therapy and research. The Center also provides harm reduction workshops, webinars on psychedelic research and public educational programs. A licensed clinical psychologist and LMFT, she has held faculty positions in the East-West therapy models; Buddhism and Eastern disciplines; and phenomenology/existential philosophies. Her research and scholarly writing have focused on psychedelic therapy, entheogens, and mind-body wellness. Dr. Phelps teaches graduate courses in quantitative and qualitative research methods, mindfulness, Buddhism and psychotherapy, spiritual counseling, and principles of healing. Janis serves on the board of the Holos Institute and maintains a private practice.


Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Dr. Janis Phelps is the director and founder of the Center for Psychedelic Therapies and Research. She is a consulting psychologist and receives compensation. Dr. Phelps receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.

Non-financial: Dr. Janis Phelps is a founding advisory board member of the Holos Institute and a board member of the Institute for Spirituality and Psychology. She is a member of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology and the California Psychological Association

Innovations in Psychotherapy

Daniel J. Siegel, MD |  Monnica Williams, PhD. ABPP |  Judson Brewer, MD, PhD |  Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD |  Kenneth Carter, PhD, ABPP |  Susan Johnson, EdD |  Kathleen M. Chard, PhD |  Deborah Dana, LCSW, LICSW |  ....
Nov 09, 2020
Media Type:
Online Course
£846.70 Normal Price: Standard - £1,474.00

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: The Psychotherapy Whose Time Has Come

Janis Phelps, PhD
Audio and Video
Dec 04, 2020
Media Type:
Digital Recording
£27.50 - 2024 Loyalty Sale Normal Price: Standard - £49.99

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