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Catherine Roche

Catherine Roche began her career in teaching before completing an MBA and joining KPMG. In 1996, her pro bono support for Place2Be inspired her to join the charity as Chief Operating Officer, and then Deputy CEO. In 2014 she became Chief Executive and has driven the organisation’s growth. In 2019 Catherine was elected to the Board of the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network. 

Demystifying Dissociation

An Essential Guide to Working with Complex Trauma, Disorganised Attachment, Fragmentation & More

Kathy Steele, MN, CS |  Janina Fisher, PhD |  Pat Ogden, PhD |  Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, FRCPC |  Bethany Brand, PhD |  Paul Frewen, Phd, CPsych |  Benjamin Pandev-Girard, M.Erg. |  Deborah Korn, PsyD |  ....
Jun 26, 2024
Media Type:
Online Course
£299.99 Normal Price: Standard - £999.98

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