Complex cases can leave you feeling so overwhelmed and rushing to control outcomes, that you miss the most important part of therapy…
Connecting with your clients to heal their pain.
Cultivate that healing connection with your clients using IFS therapy. It provides the evidenced-based roadmap (with shortcuts!) to help you resolve your client’s highly complex, interrelated parts with compassion, vulnerability, and acceptance.
Join IFS founder Dick Schwartz and our premier IFS therapy experts to master this revolutionary approach for your most challenging cases including trauma, addiction, anxiety, attachment injuries, parenting, cultural healing, and more!
Immerse yourself in Dick’s therapy room with real-client footage that dives into unique therapy obstacles, treats legacy traumas without triggering dissociation, transforms addictive behaviors into self-compassion, dismantles inner protectors of anxiety, and more – all in a language you and your client understand!
You’ll walk away from this exclusive workshop knowing how subtle differences in treatment make a huge impact. Take your practice from just “doing therapy” to embodying the decades of wisdom of master therapists.
Mastering IFS Therapy for Clinical Challenges
Trauma, Anxiety, Attachment Injuries, Addiction & More
£584.93 VALUE
Just £321.71 (VAT Inclusive) Today — DON'T MISS THIS SAVINGS!
Plus, earn up to 14.5 CPD Hours included in the course tuition.
- Tap into your client’s anxiety without getting lost in their chaos
- Show your clients the value hidden behind their inner pain
- Reconnect clients with their highest Self to lead them to wholeness
- Implement easy-to-use exercises with parents and children
- Disempower your client’s fears and move them to act from authenticity
- Understand how attachment varies with each of your client’s unique parts
- Expertly identify and reduce traumatic triggers
with Dick Schwartz, PhD
- Connect with your client’s core Self
- Open a door for your client to develop healthy attachments
- Manage your own triggered parts in session
- Create dialogue between your client’s polarized and conflicted parts
with Dick Schwartz, PhD
with Dick Schwartz, PhD
with Dick Schwartz, PhD
with Frank Anderson, MD
- Talk to children about difficult subjects by using “part of me language”
- Explore their own reactive moments and respond to triggers with more empathy
- Co-parent in ways that are supportive, collaborative, and lead to a fuller expression of selfhood
- Recover from the inevitable moments when they “lose it” and take the necessary steps to repair with fuller awareness
with Deran Young, LCSW
- Use the Intercultural Development Continuum with clients to explore how cultural perspectives impact communication and conflict style
- Apply the IFS model to help heal trauma, and acknowledge and own the parts of ourselves that become reactive when discussing issues of diversity
- Increase your ability to avoid microaggressions and help clients explore emotional wounds with culturally sensitive techniques including “The U-turn” and “Unblending”
Trauma, Anxiety, Attachment Injuries, Addiction & More
£584.93 VALUE
JUST £321.71 (VAT Inclusive)
And, we’re throwing in 3 amazing bonuses COMPLETELY FREE!
In this Psychotherapy Networker exclusive workshop, two of the most innovative voices in psychotherapy will teach the ins-and-outs of enhancing rapport and outcomes. Through conducting “compassionate inquiries,” keeping clients in-touch with their feelings during intense emotions, and overcoming childhood defences, you’ll gain tremendous insight into your client’s inner world.
—Naomi Klein, NYT Bestselling author
Get up close and personal with Dick as he shares his experiences with internalized racism in his therapy practice, himself, and society — Be inspired to examine your own blind spots!
Discover a new perspective on pain by understanding the relationship between exiled parts and psychological pain — Help your client mindfully change their relationship to chronic pain!
Meet Your Experts
Click here for information about Richard C. Schwartz
Click here for information about Deran Young
Click here for information about Frank Anderson
We're confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised, and maybe even more than you expected. But if you’re not completely satisfied with the course, call us at 01235 847393.
Trauma, Anxiety, Attachment Injuries, Addiction & More
JUST £321.71 (VAT Inclusive)
Plus, earn up to 14.5 CPD Hours included in the course tuition.