This course was designed for clinicians like you: Psychologists, Social Workers, Counsellors, Marriage and Family Therapists, Sex Educators and Therapists, Addiction Professionals, Nurses.
4 out of 5 clients in psychotherapy will complain about their relationships or sex lives. Are you equipped to help?
Join two preeminent sex and relationship experts in a groundbreaking self-directed course: Emily Nagoski, PhD award-winning, New York Times bestselling author and sex education expert and Tammy Nelson, PhD internationally acclaimed psychotherapist, Board Certified Sexologist, Certified Sex Therapist and Certified Imago Relationship Therapist.
Dr. Nelson will walk you step-by-step through the phases of her evidence-based model of integrated sex and couples therapy treatment. You’ll be better equipped to work with even your most challenging cases. You will gain practical interventions to help clients improve their relationships, balance desire discrepancies, work through betrayal and feel more passionate.
With Dr. Nagoski, you will gain new knowledge and practical tools to achieve transformational results on:
- The Body Arousal System - you'll be amazed at what you don't know!
- The Science of Attachment - from the sex and desire perspective
- Sex and The Trauma Survivor - the understanding and language you need to give the client
PLUS, today's registration includes a FREE e-book: Integrative Sex & Couples Therapy: A Therapist's Guide to New and Innovative Approaches that features new approaches combining sex therapy and relationship counselling.
Best of all, this innovative course is set up for you to learn at your own pace and you can keep these invaluable tools forever!
Sex, Desire, and Relationship Issues: Clinical Interventions from Leading Sex Experts Emily Nagoski, PhD and Tammy Nelson, PhD
£436.78 Value
Register Today £240.23 (VAT Inclusive) — Incredible Savings!
Tammy Nelson, PhD Click here for information about Tammy Nelson
When traditional models of dealing with relationships and sex aren’t working you need practical interventions to address these basic problems that almost all clients struggle with at some point in their lives. Integrative Sex and Couples Therapy is essential for all therapists at any level of experience and for every population - you don’t need to work with couples to utilize these interventions and help clients in your practice. You will learn:
- Practical interventions you can use to help clients improve their relationships, balance desire discrepancies, work through betrayal and feel more passionate.
- The Integration Treatment Model and practical interventions needed for each phase of treatment.
- How to avoid professional dilemmas, such as countertransference, projection and hopelessness —which lead to frustration for both you and your clients.
- For more detailed information: Click here for course objectives and outline
Emily Nagoski, PhDClick here for information about Emily Nagoski
Gain the knowledge and skills to effectively help clients understand that their concerns over sexual normalcy are just that – normal. Some topics may lend themselves to comfortable clinical conversations – sex typically is not one of them, but you can do more and make improvements that signal to your client your willingness and knowledge to listen and guide them. You will walk away knowing:
- How to respond to lack of desire
- Ways to address feelings of anger & loneliness
- Strategies to help your clients reconnect sexually
- How to help your clients maintain strong & lasting sexual connections decades into their relationships
- For more detailed information: Click here for course objectives and outline
By Tammy Nelson, PhD Click here for information about Tammy Nelson
Throughout her 30-year career, Dr. Tammy Nelson found that couples therapists have traditionally been taught little about sex therapy, and sex therapists have minimal education in relationship systems. This leaves clinicians searching for more interventions for both couples and sexuality. To bridge the gap, Dr. Nelson, relationship expert and board-certified sexologist, has gathered the top authorities in the field of integrative treatment to create this groundbreaking book for all therapists looking for a comprehensive treatment resource.
Featuring new approaches combining sex therapy and relationship counselling, Integrative Sex & Couples Therapy brings treatment skills into practice, with real-world experiences, interventions, techniques, strategies, and case examples. Topics include:
Clinical Interventions from Leading Sex Experts Emily Nagoski, PhD and Tammy Nelson, PhD
Register Today £240.23 (VAT Inclusive) — £436.78 Value
This course will elevate your understanding of the effects of separation, betrayal, trust and identity issues on eroticism in clients’ sexual partnerships as it relates to clinical practice. You will gain specific clinical interventions to immediately help your clients such as: pleasure mapping and desire awareness, treating desire issues such as pleasure resistance, pleasure avoidance and pleasure rejection.
- With over 11 hours of video online training, insightful commentary, case studies and examples, you will have powerful new clinical strategies that you can immediately start applying in your practice! We encourage you to take the time to fully absorb everything. Watch the videos. Read the materials. Get your CPD hours!
- But, if you review all of the course materials and are still not satisfied, call us at 01235 847393. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
- Yes! Once you register for this course - the materials, including bonus content, are yours to keep and access forever.
Tammy is so experienced and brought so much expertise for us to learn. — Janelle W. in response to Integrative Sex & Couples Therapy
Emily brings such warmth, joy and knowledge to her training. This was inspiring and incredibly helpful! — Jamie C. in response to Sex, Desire, & Attachment
Dr. Nagoski was a great presenter! Probably in the top 5 classes I have ever attended in my over 10 years in the field. Totally recommend more of her stuff and I look forward to engaging in her presentations in the future. Very delightful interaction with participants too! It felt like I was right in the room with her. — Ashlee D. in response to Sex, Desire, & Attachment
Clinical Interventions from Leading Sex Experts Emily Nagoski, PhD and Tammy Nelson, PhD
£436.78 Value
Today, Just £240.23 (VAT Inclusive) — Incredible Savings!
Advance Your Practice Now... With 3 Simple Steps
Within a few minutes, your order confirmation will be sent to your email, and you'll get instant access to all the course videos, handouts, and bonus materials. Click here for course objectives and outline.
Register for this comprehensive training course without risk. If you're not completely satisfied with your new collection of skills, actionable strategies, concrete tools, and go-to curriculums, call us at 01235 847393. We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.
Clinical Interventions from Leading Sex Experts Emily Nagoski, PhD and Tammy Nelson, PhD
£436.78 Value
Today, Just £240.23 (VAT Inclusive) — Incredible Savings!